Videos takedowns women

This woman’s A++ takedown of this ‘men rule the world’ dude was a proper conversation-stopper

There’s a rather fabulous Twitter account called @womenpostingws which, as the name suggests, ‘celebrates wins, wholesome, funny, and girly things 🙂 waking up every day is a win, be proud of yourself.’

And this is a classic of the genre, a guy who asks this woman who have done more for the world – men or women – and her A++ takedown is a proper conversation stopper.


And while we have a sneaking suspicion it might not be all that it seems, it still went wildly – wildly – viral, and here are our favourite things people said about it.


This Trump-loving ‘woke warrior’ took aim at Taylor Swift’s air miles and this magnificent comeback was simply first class

Source @womenpostingws TikTok