Life twitter

People were asked for the most middle-aged thing they do and this one knocked the rest out of the park

You don’t have to be a reader of a certain age to appreciate this … actually, scrap that, you absolutely 100% do have to be a reader of a certain age to appreciate this.

It’s a question that went viral on Twitter after it was posted by @MichaelCGlasper

… and it prompted no end of very funny and totally on-point replies …

But none of them surely came close to hitting the heights of this particular response, which went wildly viral for reasons which will become obvious.

Most relatable thing we’ll read. Probably ever.

Follow @MichaelCGlasper here!


‘What’s something people romanticize but is actually horrible?’ – 23 totally on-point answers

Source @MichaelCGlasper