Weird World Andrew tate comebacks

Andrew Tate said ‘peak female performance is pregnancy’ and of all the fabulous comebacks this one was the absolute summit

Back to the world – briefly – of self-described misogynist and clown prince of the toxic manosphere, Andrew Tate, who took time out from turning up to various Romanian courtrooms to share his thoughts on ‘peak female peformance’.

And it was just as tiresomely predictable as you’d imagine.

And we mention it not to give the idiot any more airtime than he merits – we’re pretty sure you’re not about to become one of his disciples – but to share with you the widespread mockery (and totally on-point responses) that it prompted.

Such as this.

And this.

And especially this.

But surely no-one said it better than this person.

Just in case you don’t remember the tale in full, you can read all about it here.

And here’s just a little bit of the love people had for it.


JD Vance complained about being interrupted and this CNN anchor’s A++ comeback had everyone applauding

Source @InkMasterbator