Entertainment The Simpsons tv

27 of the funniest scenes from The Simpsons that always make fans laugh

15. “You can stay but I’m leaving”

16. “I came close to madness trying to find it here in the States…”

17. “The Soviet Union? I thought you guys broke up?”

18. “Prove me wrong, kids. Prove me wrong!”

19. “We’ll always be together…together…”

20. “Hahaha, ouch!”

21. “…You got a butt that won’t quit…”

22. “Let us celebrate our new arrangement with the adding of chocolate to milk”

23. “Her legend will love forever”

24. “Do you follow my husband around?”

25. “He can talk…he can talk…I CAN SING!”

26. “Do you have to be so graphic”?

27. “I’m king of the world!”


Just 12 of the funniest spoof adverts featured in The Simpsons

Source Jesse Hawken
Images @Criminalsimpson, JRoc23