Weird World dumb people reddit

People have been sharing the most ridiculous arguments they had with a stupid person – 17 proper humdingers

There’s only one thing harder than winning an argument with a really intelligent person. And that’s trying to win an argument with a really stupid person.

We mention this after Redditor PhenomenalPancake had a question over on Ask Reddit.

‘What’s an argument you couldn’t believe you had to have with an adult?’

And we’re very glad they did because it prompted no end of very funny, often infuriating, and occasionally entirely relatable answers. And these 17 were surely the best …


‘That thunder is not created by two clouds bumping into each other.’


‘Why two tablets of vitamin B6 do not equal one of B12…’


‘No joke, I went to pick up an item at the grocery store and it was labeled ‘1/3 lb’ and an older lady tapped me on the shoulder and pointed to a competitive item next to it for the same price, but was labeled ‘1/4 lb’.

‘She said, ‘It’s smarter to buy the larger package for the same price. Your wife would know that.’ She could absolutely not be convinced that 1/3 lb was larger than 1/4 lb. Even explaining the math and showing her the weight in ounces on the package, she wasn’t having it. I just laughed to myself and walked away.’


‘Someone who was an ELECTED OFFICIAL at the time was completely unaware of the fact that the seasons are at opposite times of year between the northern and southern hemispheres.

‘Convinced that I was ‘fucking with her’ when I tried to explain that Christmas is observed in the summertime in Australia, she took to Google, confirmed the date for Xmas being 25th of December, and decided that I was indeed full of shit…’


‘When I was a kid, I got into an argument with a teacher about being able to see the moon during the day. They were insisting that the moon could only be seen at night. Middle school science teacher 6th-8th grade where I’m located.

‘I walked out of the classroom, looked around, pointed at the moon, and then received in-house suspension for it, but at least I got to prove the cunt wrong.’


‘I had to explain to another adult that a mouse does not grow up to be a rat.’


‘I had an undergraduate university professor (subject: French) who would not, for the life of her, believe her students when we told her that a kilogram of feathers and a kilogram of stone weighed the same. It was a true or false question on an exam and she graded us all incorrectly on it.’


‘I met someone who didn’t believe in space. Not space travel, outer space. Just didn’t think it was real.’


‘I once had to explain that going 60 miles per hour meant you would literally travel 60 miles in an hour to a colleague. We were both in our mid 20s at the time. I don’t know how they passed math class ever.’