Weird World dumb people reddit

People have been sharing the most ridiculous arguments they had with a stupid person – 17 proper humdingers


‘That bacon wasn’t a vegetable.

‘Had ordered a bacon cheeseburger at a fast food restaurant and asked for “no veggies.” When I got the burger, there was no bacon. I went to the cashier to ask for the bacon and she just smiled and said, “You asked for no veggies.”

‘Thinking this must be a joke, I asked her, “since when was bacon considered a vegetable.” With a completely straight face, she replied, “It’s always been a vegetable. My boyfriend and I are vegetarians and we eat bacon all the time.”


‘I had to have a long chat with someone in their 30s about Mexico not being a US state. She was sure that Cancun was an American city because most of the people there were white & Black Americans and not Mexicans. I asked how far outside the resort she had gotten and she said ‘what do you mean?”


‘With a 40 year old woman in South America. I had to explain where babies came from. She had like 17 kids and didn’t know why god kept blessing her with more children. She just wanted it to stop as she had been pregnant pretty much her entire adult life. I’m not sure if her husband knew or not.’


‘Once I had to explain to an ex what jury duty was… He thought it was where ‘adults go to talk about their feelings once a year’… This man was 19 lol.’


‘I once needed to actually give a lecture of poultry reproduction to a 45 year old man who was claiming that chickens are hermaphrodite and that they do not need to have sex to procreate. It was surreal.’


‘That dictionaries are better source of definition of words than twitter is.

‘They said western dictionaries are propaganda and can’t be trusted for the definition of words.’


‘We live in Canada…. and we were on a road trip. we stopped to take a piss and a tumble weed comes rolling across the way. he tells me that “did you know tumble weeds come from Texas” at first i thought i was a joke. but the guy was dead fucking serious.

‘These things just tumble across 100000 of kilometers across the mountains and countless fences, river and lakes. it was the dumbest conversation i ever had. and he’s one of those guys that always thinks he right. so me an all my buddies call him Texas tumbleweed Bryce. still do to this day.’


‘Reindeer are real, I am not trying to convince you that there are actually flying deer that pull Santa Claus’ sleigh.’


Andrew Tate said ‘peak female performance is pregnancy’ and of all the fabulous comebacks this one was the absolute summit

Source Ask Reddit u/PhenomenalPancake H/T Buzzfeed