US donald trump donald trump jr

Donald Trump Jr complained about having to explain the latest Trump ‘assassination attempt’ to his kids and this was the only response necessary

Spare a thought for Donald Trump Jr, who had to take time out from his busy schedule to explain to his kids the circumstances around the latest Trump ‘assassination attempt’.

The former President didn’t suffer a bloody ear this time and indeed no shots were actually fired by the suspected gunman, according to reports.

It didn’t stop eldest child Don Jr posting this.

Leaving aside the made-up ‘radical leftist’ bit, his post prompted no end of totally on-point replies such as this.

And this.

And indeed this.

And indeed this!

But the funniest, least serious, and most on-brand response was surely this.

Bravo, @GianmarcoSoresi!


Elon Musk asked why people were ‘raging FOR the machine’ and this A++ takedown just got better and better

Source @GianmarcoSoresi