‘Have you ever stopped watching a movie because a scene was so implausible it totally ruined it?’ 21 film fails people really took to heart
‘The Hobbit movies. In what are supposed to be life or death scenarios the characters are cracking jokes and doing a slapstick routine. I don’t know when the trend to add humour into everything started, but in this it kills the immersion completely and made it unwatchable for me.’
‘Alien Vs Predator is set in Antarctica. At the end there’s a big show down on the surface, and the surviving character is running around in a vest top. Just spent the whole time wondering why she hadn’t just frozen to death.’
‘My dad should have stopped watching Braveheart after about five minutes but chose instead to stay in the room and get increasingly upset about every inaccuracy. The best was his wail of ‘How can you have the battle of Stirling Bridge without a bloody bridge?’ but I think he was annoyed with every single moment of that film.’
‘I didn’t walk out because I was in the cinema with my mates, but in the first scene in Hellboy he loads a giant revolver with four bullets and then fires at least six shots. I knew from that moment that the film was going to be shit.’
‘Jurassic World, I mean the movie in general is silly. The main thing which I could not stop noticing is the main female character running in heels, all the time.’
‘Not a film but we stopped watching the HBO prison drama Oz, when they introduced a storyline in which, to ease overcrowding, prisoners were injected with a drug that aged them by the number of years left in the sentence.
‘The idea was that they could then be released, having technically lost the years of their life they would’ve spent inside. We went into the show thinking it was gonna be up there with The Sopranos or The Wire, then this happened. I’m still not over it.’
‘World War Z when Brad Pitt hops out of the decimated plane wreckage unscathed.’
‘I saw Independence Day with some friends at the cinema and got more wound up with it as it progressed but the final straw was when Jeff Goldblum uploaded a virus into the alien ship’s computers. I just said ‘That’s it, I’m out of here, I’ll see you up the pub’ and walked out of the cinema (I was a software developer and so the idea that a human would write a virus for an alien computer was beyond absurd to me).’
‘The school scene in Interstellar with Cooper and David Oyelowo’s character, where we’re expected to swallow that everyone now accepts that the moon landings were a hoax and any text book suggesting otherwise was banned. Ridiculous, unnecessary, and took me right out of the film.’
‘When the credits started rolling on The Neverending Story. Lies.’