Life Ask Reddit job interviews work

People have been sharing their biggest job interview red flags – 18 workplace warnings to look out for

‘If your interview is between 12 to 2, look around. If everyone is at their cubicle eating their lunch. Red flag.’

‘They asked me my political opinion which I didn’t think was right.’

‘One red flag for sure is when they talk about how the company is “like a family.” Like, that usually means they expect you to be super available all the time and put the job above everything else, even your actual life.’

‘”Nobody wants to work anymore” – You’re about to find out exactly why nobody wants to work for them. Seriously, every single job I’ve worked that said that during an interview was toxic and grossly underpaid.’

‘Any implication that the role you’re taking on is easy and/or not that important. Either this or any signs they may be underestimating the amount of work involved.’

‘Seems like a no-brainer, but this gets let slip at interviews a shocking amount.’

‘A major red flag to watch for during a job interview is if the interviewer or company representative speaks negatively about current or former employees. This behavior can indicate a toxic work environment where blame and negativity are commonplace.’

‘I have two that are red flags.’

‘Had a guy one time ask me how old my children were. I think he was trying to suss out if I would be able to work all kinds of crazy hours. If they pry too much into your personal life, that’s not good.

‘Second, when most of the people you come in contact with haven’t been there very long, like 3 years or less. That means lots of turn over. If it’s new company or location though that wouldn’t count.’

‘I went into an interview for a low-level admin position, and they made my put my cell phone in a bucket up front, stating “no phones are allowed in the back. it reduces productivity.” Big NOPE for me.’

‘One of my go-to questions for an interviewer is, “In the past ten years, how many years have your employees received cost-of-living raises that meet or exceed the annual inflation rate? And how often have they also received merit-based increases above and beyond that amount?”

‘A shitty company won’t answer the question.

‘A good company will give you an honest answer.

‘A great company will give you an honest answer of “Ten.”


People have been sharing the most eye-opening names they’ve seen given to kids – 25 to have you running straight to the deed poll office

Source Reddit Image Pexels