People have been sharing the most eye-opening names they’ve seen given to kids – 25 to have you running straight to the deed poll office
‘There was a kid in my class that had a twin named Carson. Perfectly normal name. His parents named him Carpet.’
‘Girl in my daughters kindergarten class is named Tesla.’
‘Pervis. I went to school with a girl who named her baby that. She called him Perve for short.’
‘My cousins-in-laws had two boys they named they Havoc and Riot, and they are true to their names.’
‘Alien. I’m from Cuba and I studied with a guy named Alien. Mind you in Spanish it means the exact same thing as in English.’
‘A girl from hometown named her kid Runandjump.. his nickname is RJ. I know for damn sure that kid gets bullied.’
‘I met a lady named Lasanya. That was strange.’
‘I went to school with a girl named ‘Yrexcellency’. Also had a ‘Princess Leia’. I wonder how they’re doing.’
‘OB/GYN here. Once had a baby the mom named Anonymous. Why? The baby’s dad was in jail and he called when the baby was born and she said “It’s a boy, what do you want to name him?”
‘He said “I don’t know, let’s leave it anonymous for now.” So not understanding what he meant, she actually named him Anonymous.’
‘Someone I know named their kid RIP. All caps.’
‘Diphtheria. Yes, a mother actually named her daughter that.’
Source r/AskReddit Image Unsplash