Weird World Britain guardian

The Guardian just published a guide to ‘Britishcore: 100 experiences that define and unite modern Britons’ and had people hollering into next year

The Guardian’s just gone viral with a guide to something called ‘Britishcore’ or, if you prefer, ‘100 experiences that define and unite modern Britons’.

Except it’s fair to say it’s not exactly gone viral for the reasons they might have hoped.

Here’s just a little bit of how writer Dylan B Jones (no, not that Dylan Jones) introduces it.

‘Rather than tea at the Ritz or hats at Ascot, tourists are discovering that the true joy of British culture lies in its everyday banalities, as Britishcore stumbles into the global psyche with the leopard-print clad, mascara-smeared mania of Kat Slater after six large white wines.

‘Everyone’s finally clocked that, contrary to our reputation as reserved, rosy-cheeked rationalists, we’re actually pretty weird.’

But surely not as weird as the 100-strong article suggests. Or indeed any single one of its 100 points (gold star – another one! – to anyone who makes it to the end).

Because, well, this.

And this.

And any of these.

And this, very much this.

Well you surely get the idea by now, and here’s exactly what people made of all that.








