Life takedowns

13 of the funniest and most brutal comebacks that went viral this week

It’s that time of the week – yes, yes, get on with it – when we round up 13 of the funniest and most brutal comebacks that went viral over the last seven days.

1. ‘Po-Tate-ohead’


2. ‘Scolding hot’


3. ‘A pub in Co Offally posted a lovely pic of two lads enjoying a pint besides a turf fire. It kinda escalated from there and for the love of jaysis read the last line …’


4. ‘Musk got Musked’


5. ‘Sorbo got owned again ‘


6. ‘Sick (day) burn’


7. ‘Fries with that?’

“I grew up in a middle class family, but I became working class when I was 16, working at McDonald’s.”
