Politics nigel farage

Nigel Farage may have lied about being advised not to hold in-person surgeries in Clacton for security reasons, and we’re shocked! Shocked, we tell you!

On Thursday morning, Nigel Farage gave an interview to his fellow NF, LBC’s Nick Ferrari.

Although the handover of the show to the next slot’s presenter, James O’Brien, initially caused a massive stir because it was so scathing towards the MP for Clacton, it was an exchange about Farage’s constituency work that next caught people’s attention.

Ferrari: You won’t be doing physical surgeries in Clacton?

Farage: Not yet.

Ferrari: Do you envisage that you will eventually?

Farage: When Parliament allow me.

Ferrari: Why is Parliament blocking you?

Farage: Have a guess.

Ferrari: Have you been advised for your own security not to hold surgeries?

Farage: I would have thought that would make sense, wouldn’t you?

Ferrari: Who has that advice come from?

Farage: Well, we’re – you know – the Speaker’s office …

Ferrari: Lindsay Hoyle’s office?

Farage: And beneath, beneath the Speaker’s office there is a security team who give advice and say you should do some things and not do others, so we’re not in a fit state to do the old-style surgeries. But, you know what, David, if you’ve got something to say to me as a Clacton resident, actually, Zoom is not the end of the world.

Despite his apparent attempt to fudge the responses, Farage clearly said he would hold in-person surgeries when Parliament allowed him to do so, but not now.

Which was odd for a couple of reasons …

There was the fact that security staff are available to MPs for such things.

And then there was the response of the Speaker’s office and parliamentary security team.

The idea that Farage might have mislead people didn’t exactly come as an enormous shock.















The excellent Keir Starmer parody account summed up the situation.


Psst! Wanna see a dead body? James O’Brien’s response to following Nigel Farage on LBC pulled not a single punch

Image Screengrab, Screengrab