Life health r/AskReddit

21 myths about things being “bad for you” that drive people crazy

We’ve all grown up believing that certain things are bad for you – beliefs that usually took hold via well-meaning and/or misinformed adults.

It’s incredible how long those myths about things being bad for you can keep a hold – well into adulthood.

Reddit user Beepbeepboopb0p asked:

What’s the most annoying “that’s bad for you!” myth that drives you crazy because people still believe it?

And a lot of the responses will sound very familiar to most of us.


“If you swallow gum it will stay in your stomach for 7 years.”


“I used to tell my nephews that if they swallowed chewing gum, their bum cheeks would stick together.”


“When I was pregnant, I was grocery shopping, and I reached up to get something. Some lady said, ‘If you reach up, the umbilical cord will wrap around the baby’s neck’. What?”


“My mother actually told me when I was pregnant not to take a bath because my baby would drown. 100% serious.”


“Almost all advice regarding pregnancy has changed in the last generation because of new research. This phenomenon was a daily annoying occurrence when I was pregnant and my female coworkers in 40 to 60 ish age range would badger me constantly about how I was being pregnant wrong. Like one quick example was their horror when I drank coffee.”


“That frozen vegetables aren’t good for you. Just because they’re easy and cheap doesn’t make them unhealthy.”


“Pulling a grey hair will cause 2 more to sprout up.”


“I have a black cat right now just because the shelter had a surplus of them when I went to adopt. They told me at the time that it’s straight up because people are superstitious and would avoid adopting them. She’s literally just walked into the room and head booped me as I typed out this comment. I wouldn’t trade her for anything.”


“Fat, any fat was bad for a long time, now as an example, avocados are “good fat”. Which I agree with.”


“Gluten. Unless you are gluten intolerant or celiac, gluten free is not the inherently healthy choice.”


“Swimming X minutes after eating will cause you to cramp up.”