Life health r/AskReddit

21 myths about things being “bad for you” that drive people crazy


“That opening an umbrella indoors is bad luck. No it’s not. Grow the f*ck up. I always open umbrellas indoors. That’s the most efficient way for them to dry. Otherwise they get mildew. It was probably started by big umbrella to make umbrellas go mildew, so that people have to constantly buy new umbrellas.”


“That not wearing a bra will make your boobs saggy. like permanently saggy, getting worse with age. every part of your goddamn body gets saggy as you age, MOM. worry about your own tits and leave me alone.”


“Going outside with wet hair [will make you get a cold]. I remember my dad would always tell us that, and I heard my cousin tell her kid that just recently.”


“Sleeping in is bad.
If I am sleeping it is because I am tired. There is nothing virtuous about getting up at the crack of dawn.”


“You have to wash your chicken.
No, you don’t. That “stuff” on there is fat, not some kind of mystery gross substance that inexplicably winds up on only chicken.


“My mother-in-law believes that eating or drinking cold things is bad for you and will make you sick.”


“I worked with an insufferable human who called microwaves “cancer boxes” and refused to ever use them. I guess she thought “microwave radiation” was the same as, like, Plutonium or something? I don’t know. She was too obnoxious of a person for me to delve into any detail.”


“Cracking your knuckles gives you arthritis.”


“The whole “sitting is the new smoking” thing drives me nuts. I get that sitting too much isn’t great, but comparing it to smoking is just ridiculous and makes people worry too much.”


“Playing video games. Study after study has concluded that playing violent video games does not, in fact, make people more violent.”

continuousBaBa had a bit tmi. It’s NSFW.

“I never grew hair on my palms. What a mean lie to tell a poor teenager that needs to jerk off.”


People have been sharing the ‘dumb myths’ that are still widely believed and these 27 are proper head-shakers

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