Politics elon musk

Elon Musk’s attempt to own the libtards wasn’t the slam dunk he thought it was and blew up in his face

Elon Musk has been busy on Twitter – no news there, obviously – but one tweet in particular caught our eye after he shared someone’s research about the political leanings of professors.

And by the look of his one word response he presumably thought there was some sort of conspiracy going on here or – at the very least – evidence of an outrageous liberal bias and, well, best have a look for yourself.

Except as attempts to own the libtards go, this one rather blew up in his face for reasons which may or may not already be obvious.

To conclude …

And this.

And finally, this.


Stalkers on standby as Elon Musk targets the block function again – 18 less-than-enthusiastic responses