Life reddit

People have been sharing tales of extraordinary good fortune and these 19 will have you nipping out for a scratch card

Some people have all the luck. Specifically, a big bunch of people over on the AskUK subreddit. A user called FIREThrowaway1123 posed the question ‘Who’s the luckiest person you know?’ and followed it up with this story of the most incredible good fortune.

‘A couple of years ago my girlfriend lost her debit card and it was found by someone, but instead of contacting her or binning it, they unfortunately went on a spending spree before she’d managed to freeze it. They’d had a little trip to JD, Maccies, Argos, all sorts, spending around £200.

‘How is this lucky, I hear you ask. Well, one place they had also used her card was Bet365, betting another £100 or so on her card. A few days after she’d frozen her card, with an investigation by her bank underway, whatever bet they placed had landed and £600 went back in her account…

‘She’s the only person I’ve ever known who has had their bank details stolen and come out on top. I just wish I could’ve seen the face of the people that had placed the bet, knowing they’d won but missed out on the payout!’

What are the chances? But it turns out they weren’t the only person who knew someone similarly blessed, as these stories prove…


‘My ex boyfriend, he had an old crusty Mini that died. Left on one of the steepest streets in Bath. Goes outside one morning to find it gone! Thought maybe has been towed as road tax was due to end that month. Heh ho.

‘Three months later A&S Police turn up. They’d found his stolen car. It had been used in a robbery.

‘Off he went to look at it, confirm it was his, still had the docs etc. He got back the most souped up, purring, timed to perfection Mini, four new tyres and an immaculate valeting.

‘One weird thing found in the car. One very high heeled woman’s white stiletto (it was the 80’s New Order n all that) with the heel ground down. He had that mini for another few years then sold it. A lot more than he bought it for.’


‘My mum left her rucksack in a church in Rome. Flight back to UK was imminent and she didn’t realise until she got to the airport, luckily nothing of major importance in the rucksack.

‘Two days later she got an email from someone from Peru who claimed to have her bag but they were now I’m Madrid. I was travelling to Madrid the following day so met them at a metro station where the bag was duly returned. They were due to fly home that evening so it was a today or never thing.’


‘Someone I know was meant to bet on Wilder to beat Fury in their second fight but accidentally bet on Fury and ended up winning £4000.’


‘Had a customer bring his car in for an alarm after it got stolen. When he got it back it had thousands worth of diving gear in the boot and no damage.’


‘My dad is a builder and used to work for himself, he would do about 80% of his jobs with this Polish guy who was an idiot.

‘Nice guy and good at his job but not the sharpest tool in the shed. He works for my dad for 10 years on and off because my dad keeps firing him, then he goes to Spain for a beach holiday.

‘Comes back having invested 3k into some crypto currency that a man pitched to him whilst he was out there.

‘He tells my dad to put some money in and my dad says no, because why on earth would you trust someone you just met with three grand. Mf cashes out half of it for £4,000,000 a few years later and bought my dad a car before retiring.’


‘It’s not a huge lucky story but a little win from credit card fraud. They spent £8k on my Tesco credit card. Got all the money back but got to keep all the clubcard points it earned me. Mini win.’


‘My step-dad is an amazing driver but quite recently he had an accident renting a car on holiday because the parking spaces were too small. He had to pay £400 to the renting company for the damages.

‘This was just before the CrowdStrike update. All of a sudden they refunded his money to him during their systems being down. Two days later he receives an email from the renting company.

‘Obviously we thought this was to then pay the £400 again. Nope it’s an apology letter saying they’re refunding him £400 again. He looks into his bank and they sent him even more money. He damaged a car and got paid for it.’


‘Guy I know got drunk and bought a scratch card. He won £250,000.’


‘Know someone who completely by accident ended up in the family and friends after party with the players of Man City after they won the Premier league a couple of years ago in Manchester.

‘Man has zero situational awareness so managed to get given a wristband and get on a bus with everyone before realising what was happening. Just kept quiet and ate the free food. Isn’t even bothered about football.’