Politics james o'brien takedowns

James O’Brien’s epic smackdown of a listener whose £1m home mother-in-law couldn’t afford a new boiler has been warming people’s cockles everywhere

It’s fair to say that the first 100 days of Keir Starmer’s government hasn’t gone as you might have predicted (apart from the relentless attacks in the press, obviously).

And much of that criticism has been focused on the unexpected decision to cut access to winter fuel payments for many pensioners in what appears to be an entirely self-inflicted own goal.

That’s not to say that every pensioner needs it, obviously, as pointed out by LBC presenter James O’Brien, although one listener got in touch to point out that even though his mother-in-law owns a home worth £1 million, she hasn’t the money to fix her roof or replace her boiler.

And O’Brien’s response to Roger from Brentwood was warming cockles everywhere, as shared by @MarinaPurkiss over on Twitter.

Which presumably got Roger so hot and bothered he can turn down his thermostat for the rest of the week.

To conclude …


The magnificent Kate Beckinsale had a NSFW message for the Daily Mail after it doorstepped her mum and had everyone cheering

Source @MarinaPurkiss Image Unsplash