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These hilariously different Lord of the Rings commentaries prove that the films were perfectly cast

There’s a lot to love about the Lord of the Rings trilogy. There’s the epic tale of friendship in the face of adversity; the sweeping shots of the beautiful New Zealand landscape; and the groundbreaking special effects which still hold up some 20 years on.

One of its hidden gems though is the fact that it has commentaries. Found on the extended editions of the DVDs, they’re brimming with behind the scenes insights courtesy of the cast and crew. They’re also frequently very funny, especially when placed side by side.

TikTok user @autistook recently highlighted the hilarious difference in approach in a clip that’s gone viral. Featuring Elijah Wood chatting to Sean Astin, before a whiplash-inducing cut to Dominic Monaghan talking to Billy Boyd, it perfectly showcases why the actors were perfectly suited to their roles.

Just like their characters in the film, Wood and Astin engage in philosophical conversation about the nature of the world, whereas Monaghan and Boyd take a more knuckleheaded approach to the lore of Middle Earth.

Both are brilliant in their own way, and have delighted fans who have never heard the commentaries before. Splice them together though, and you’ve got content gold. One quote in particular about the nature of light and cinema struck a particular chord with people.

Of course, no mention of the Lord of the Rings special features would be complete without this incredible Easter Egg where Dominic Monaghan does a prank interview with Elijah Wood. Enjoy.


Source @Autistook H/T @Kylie Image Screengrab