Pics funny

Psst! Wanna see 21 funny pictures? Of course you do

If a picture paints a thousand words, how many laughs can it sketch out? We’ve been taking a look through Reddit for the funniest images we could dig up, and these 21 gave us a laugh.

They’re occasionally NSFW.

1. Dick head?

a bald man with a pair of testicles printed on the back of his t shirt

2. When you overdose on catnip

a bad model of a cat with very staring eyes

3. Hope he’s not too bummed out

a man sitting on a bus or train with a reflective surface on the back of his seat. The knees of the woman behind make it look like he has a bare bottom

4. Photobomb of the Week

a husky sticking its head into the shot of a black labrador

5. “Today is gonna be the day when they’re gonna throw it back to you”

a lizard holding a leaf as though it's a guitar

6. Groot?

a dolls head stuck into the forked branch of a bonsai tree, making it look as though its branches are arms

7. Is it self-driving?

a rusty trailer that looks like a tesla cybertruck

8. Laura Ingalls would never …

Little House on the Prairie DVD with a sticker over 'use'

9. They’re not kidding

A sign that says 'Low flying aircraft' with the top bent over

10. Can’t we just go to McDonald’s?

A burger stand called Anus Burger

11. Going for gold in the Crab Olympics deadlift finals

a crab holding a fish above its head in its pincers