Celebrity Russell Brand

Russell Brand performed a ‘baptism’ in in his underpants and prompted no end of mockery but this comeback said it best

Russell Brand is obviously on the fast track when it comes to his conversion to Christianity.

A little while after he led Tucker Carlson and his followers in prayer, the former presenter of Big Brother’s Big Mouth was pictured presiding over a baptism. In his pants.

Entirely unrelated note: Brand was accused of rape, assault and emotional abuse as part of a joint investigation by Channel 4 and The Times and Sunday Times last year. He strongly denied all accusations about his behaviour which allegedly took place between 2006 and 2013.

Anyway, his latest religious adventure prompted lots of very funny responses as you might imagine …

But this one surely beat all-comers, from @mrhenrymorris.


And finally, this!


Donald Trump just died on stage (no, not like that) and it’s the most satisfying 55 seconds you’ll watch today

Source @rustyrockets