Round Ups Ask Reddit sex

People are sharing the entirely pre-watershed things that are actually ‘better than sex’ – 17 fully clothed pleasures to die for

‘Honestly? A loving, healthy relationship with your spouse. Because if healthy, it includes sex, but also so, so, so much more! Like supporting each other, and cuddling, and having fun together, and compliments, and helping each other with chores/tasks, and cooking together, and listening to how your day went, and, and….’

‘Being called big man by the guy serving your kebab.’

‘Stepping into a hot bath or shower after you’ve been chilled to the bone all day.’

‘A productive “home-improvement” day. Where you just wake up and feel that energy to do all the long list of chores you kept pushing.’

‘Serious answer : The enjoyment you get from of a hobby that you have dedicated yourself to learning and finally achieving a level of mastery. And that epiphany you get, “God damn, I am good at this.” For realz.’

‘Water at 3am.’

‘Deep tissue massage!’

‘Feeling seen and that you hold priority in another person’s life.’

Source:@pretzel_saltyy Image: unsplash Image Unsplash wevibe