Politics Liz Truss

Liz Truss has embraced conspiracy theories so much that nearly everyone fell for a satirist’s crazy fake quote – including us

Despite having lost her seat at the last election in what was a spectacularly large swing away from the Conservatives, Liz Truss made an appearance at the Tory Party Conference, spouting many of her recent delusions, plus a few extras.

She has proved popular with the delegates.

We may never know whether the queue for her fringe event was so long because people support her far right ideologies or simply because she’s basically performing a one-woman satirical show about herself these days, and everyone wants to watch the performance.

Some notable moments during her Q&A session saw her –

Urge the UK to embrace fossil fuels

Remark on how unfunny she finds left wing comedy (There’s a shocker!)

Refuse to rule out a comeback

Insist the Tories would have done better in the election if she’d still been PM

Describe the UK as a ‘socialist country’

However, one thing she didn’t do was to reheat a previous conspiracy theory that there was some sort of transgender plot against her.

Satirical account Politics For You lit the blue touch paper.

And it fooled nearly everyone – including us – because, well it was not that far from something she said to a right-wing American conference in February – headed by Trump himself.

Here’s what she said back then.

Describing the Civil Service as packed with “trans activists and environmental extremists.”, as well as claiming she had faced an establishment backlash “from the state itself”, she really set the bar low for reason and credibility.

The quote may not have been real, but the Twitter/X funny reactions to her paranoia over trans civil servants were well worth reading.










