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‘What’s the weirdest thing about America that Americans don’t realise is weird?’ – 23 eye-opening oddities from the good ol’ US of A

America likes to view itself as the leader of the free world, which must means its a very normal, conventional and responsible place, right?

Well, anyone who has followed politics on the other side of the pond will have their suspicions that things can get a little odd over there, and now we have the proof. Over on Reddit, user rickyjones75 asked the following question:

Non-Americans who have been to the US: What is the weirdest thing about America that Americans don’t realize is weird?

And the answers show that the USA has just as many quirks as the rest of the world.


‘Putting the real estate agent’s face on the for-sale signs.’


‘Prescription drug ads on TV that casually say ‘side effects may include death’. I was shocked.’


‘It’s big. Like, really big. I’m from the UK, and two years ago, I did Route 66. Even taking the interstate (so not actual route 66, but you get the idea), it took four days of 12+ hours driving to do it. It’s goddamn huge.’


‘As a Brit how amazingly, and genuinely, friendly you are. How enamoured you are with British culture and people.

‘I was invited to a BBQ, in a public place, by someone that I met because he liked the t-shirt I was wearing. I felt like some sort of celebrity! I’m an average guy, but everyone wanted to chat to me.’


‘They have those angry sinks that chop shit.’


‘The toilet is so FULL of water. I always have to convince myself that I’m not about to dunk my cheeks.’


‘The fact that looking at the news you’d think they’re the angriest, most aggressive people in the world but when you are there in person they are, with very few exceptions, very decent and welcoming.’


‘The restaurants expect you to NOT finish the food and take it home. My Mother finds taking home leftovers from a restaurant to be embarrassing and will not do it. But American restaurants have portions sizes that seem to expect this.’


‘American here, but something I didn’t realize was weird until I traveled out of the country – some of our coins don’t have the denomination/value on them? For instance, our 10 cent piece just says ‘One Dime’. How are tourists supposed to know how much a dime is worth?? Oh well it’s the smallest so it must be worth the least, right? WRONG.’


‘Radically different laws for each state? like you could be illegal in one, then travel a few miles, then boom you’re safe?’


‘Tipping is super weird. Pay your staff properly, and set your prices accordingly.’