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What’s the adult equivalent of learning that Santa Claus doesn’t exist? 18 reality-altering realisations

‘Realizing that hard work and dedication towards the company doesn’t pay off.’

‘Finding out that there isn’t one person out there who’s ‘the one’. There are several people in the world who you could marry and happily stay with for life if the stars align. You just have to find one of them who makes you happy and be content with that.’

‘That’s not a bad thing though! If you find one of those people and make it work for the long haul, you absolutely were meant to be with them. There’s absolutely nothing to regret, and no reason to wonder what could’ve been if you’re with that person and they make you happy.

‘You can do everything right and still fail. Stupid fucking adulthood.’

‘Realizing that you never stop having to wash dishes.’

‘It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life.’

‘For me realizing a college degree doesn’t get you a good life or even a job anymore.

‘Realizing that HR isn’t your friend.’

‘That time is fleeting, and that the older you get the more it speeds up. There is no way to actually recapture the same memories you had when you are younger. There is not true blue way to turn back the clock.’

‘Realizing that Santa Claus does exist, and you’re him.’

‘Or to put it another way: it’s not that magic doesn’t exist; it’s that it’s not gonna happen by itself and it’s on us to create it for others.


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Source: Reddit, Image: Unsplash