Celebrity daily mail gary lineker james o'brien

Gary Lineker had the pitch perfect response for the Daily Mail and they published it in full (well, sort of) so made it even better

To the Daily Mail now – no, stick with us, please – where the paper has been reporting rumours that Gary Lineker might be approaching full time on Match of the Day.

His contract runs out at the end of the season, according to the BBC, but whether he will stay or whether he will go is not why we’re here.

We’re here because of Lineker’s pitch perfect response to the paper’s reporter when they doorstepped him, helpfully published in full (well, kind of) by the Mail and highlighted by LBC’s James O’Brien over on Twitter.

And in the unlikely event that’s tricky to read in full (it’s not very long).

Peep, peep, peeeeeeeep!

And also this, which we wrote about a little while back.


Jay Rayner just raised the bar in how to take down scammers and his NSFW response was simply delicious

Source Mail H/T @mrjamesob