An ex-pat returning to Britain after 15 years asked what’s changed the most and the answers will have you weeping into your £5 oat milk latte
Ever heard of ‘boiling frog syndrome’? If a frog is placed in boiling water it will jump out immediately, but if the temperature is increased slowly, it will stay in until it’s too late.
We ask because ex-pat Redditor humbughum just asked ‘Returning to the UK after 15 years, what’s going to be the biggest difference?’
It had fellow Brits realising that a lot of things had changed, largely – but not entirely – for the worse. Here’s how they answered…
‘You now need a special card to shop at the supermarket otherwise everything is 30-50% more expensive for no reason.’
‘Lower your expectations on everything. The UK is still better than most countries but it is not as good as it was in 2010.
‘Public services are worse, everything is more expensive, wages have stagnated, people are much more apathetic/rude etc.
‘Again, the UK is still good enough but you would think and hope we would be better than we are considering we are a top ten global economy.
Cadbury’s chocolate is also shite now that Kraft changed the recipe, so avoid that as much as possible.’
‘Wages the same, but everything costs a lot more than 15 years ago. Particularly utilities.’
‘I remember being disappointed in c.2005 about having to wait 3hrs in A&E (from presentation to discharge) when I presented with a nail and glass in my foot. Last year, a similar visit took 11.5hrs. And that’s not unusual.’
‘King Charles is the Queen now.’
‘People have started forming single-file queues at the bar, even if there’s multiple bar staff on.’
‘There’s much more tolerance for people who are struggling mentally, or are LGBT+, or physically disabled than there used to be. People are generally more accommodating.
Most companies offer better flexitime and/or remote or hybrid working than 15 years ago. People are more aware of the need for a good work/life balance.’
‘Cost of living. Prices are sky high. Food shopping, mortgage rates, rent… You name it and it’s probably doubled. Everything you remember was a £1 isn’t.’
‘The roads are the worst in Western Europe now, I think finally worse than Belgium. They are an embarrassment. It’s rough ride.’
‘There is a lot more choice in beer.’
‘Greggs does decaf oat milk lattes now.’
‘Depending on where you live, a lot of town centres are basically charity shops and bookies, with the odd Superdrug or Waterstones thrown in for variety. Bit depressing.’
‘On the positive side there’s a lot more to moan and complain about here now. We’re all still miserable bastards.
‘Food is still shite but there’s a kebab house every 6 yards on average. Unless you are royalty you can’t afford Lurpak. Buy blankets because it costs £7,000 per day to heat a two-bed terrace.’