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What is the weirdest thing your girlfriend does? – 19 examples of adorably bizarre behaviour


‘No matter what. My wife eats burgers upsidedown.

‘Yk that sesame seed part at the top? Yeah it’s always facing the bottom. She grabs it normal, she unwraps it normal. But somehow she ALWAYS finds a way to put it upside down. I’ve even watched her process, I fucking blinked and it flipped over I swear on everything.’


‘Smells my armpit randomly.’


‘She perpetually has the national anthem stuck in her head for some reason, so without warning she’ll just start singing “OH SAY CAN YOU SEE”.’


‘My wife sleeps with one sock on and one sock off. Says it regulates her body temperature… She’s always done it.’


‘My wife makes tea, barely takes a sip, and leaves them untouched. There are always like 5 to 8, cold teas around the house, at any given time. I try and pick them up when I can but she seems to forget about them faster than I can spot them.’


‘She waves at dogs. Not like a little howdy, but like a full on manic waving. So of course dog owners think she is waving at them because who waves at dogs?

‘This leads to awkwardness as some men think she is flirting and some women think that she thinks she knows them. But really she just loves dogs.’


‘My wife shows me affection by randomly swatting at me – no matter where we are or what the conditions. She’ll just swat at me. That’s the only way she shows me affection other than occasional sex.’


‘She eats a banana like a maniac by peeling the whole thing, then holding the unpeeled banana and braking off pieces of it like it’s a candy bar and eating it.

‘I thought maybe this was some trauma/preemptive response to guys staring or sexually harassing her as she ate a banana in the past.

‘That I would get. But no, she said she’s done this her whole life.’


‘Takes crackers into the shower with her and eats them once they get all wet and soggy.’


‘My girlfriend talks to her plants like they’re her best friends. It’s hilarious! She gives them names and has full-on conversations about her day.’

Source: Reddit Image: Unsplash