US climate change donald trump US elections

Donald Trump was asked if he still thinks climate change is a hoax and his answer is even more jaw-dropping written down

Over on the US presidential trail, Donald Trump was asked if he still believes that climate change is a hoax.

And the video of his reply went wildly viral for reasons which will become apparent.

But it’s even more of a jaw-dropper written down.

And here it is again in full …

‘What I do think is this. We can’t destroy our country over being forced to do things. they want to do the green New Deal, they call it the green New Deal some people call it the green new hoax.

‘They want to spend 93 trillion dollars on the climate. Now I happen to think there are very important elements of climate: water and air.

‘In my administration I had the cleanest air on record, and yet I didn’t destroy jobs. I had the most jobs of any administration ever. I also had the cleanest water, crystal clean. We had the cleanest water, the cleanest air.

‘To me those are the primary factors. Clean water, clean air. We went into rural parts of the country and fixed people’s water. They were drinking such terrible water. It was very important to me. All of that’s important.

‘At the same time, you can’t give up your country. You can’t say that we’re not gonna have any jobs anymore. If they said, if they took their ultimate, which is 93 trillion, the Green New Deal, 93 trillion, that’s more money than we would have in 20 years. We wouldn’t be able to survive. We wouldn’t be able to live.

‘So I always feel that with the climate and I have been a great, I have been an environmentalist. I built many things. I own Doral right next door and we did that in a very environment—I got awards, environmental awards for the way I built it, for the water, the way I use the water, the sand, the mixing of the sand and the water.

‘I mean. Many different. But I’ve had many awards over the years for environmental, the way l’ve built, because you know about building, that’s what you do. It’s very important to me.

‘At the same time, we can’t destroy our country and we’re competing against countries that don’t spend anything on climate change, like China and others.

‘And they’re able to make their product for tremendously less than us. And we’re not going to let that happen either. We have to have a strong country and we have to have a nice climate. And there’s nobody better at that I think at that combination than me.

‘I will say this though. I hear a lot about climate and they talk about global warming etc etc. Because they used to call it global warming now they call it climate change cause that covers everything, global warming.

‘The real global warming that we have to worry about is nuclear. The water is coming up 1/8 of an inch over 300 years, the ocean is going to rise and you know nobody knows if that’s true or not but they’re worried about the ocean rising an 1/8 of an inch or a quarter of an inch in 300 years. What I’m worried about is nuclear weapons tomorrow.’

And here are just a few of the many things people said about what Trump’s answer.

In one word.

Source @KamalaHQd