People are sharing the signs that ‘scream someone is single’ and the answers will have you sobbing into your microwave meal for one
It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single person is very easy to spot in the wild, even if they’re trying hard to hide their (lack of) relationship status.
Over on r/AskReddit, user Riff_lick601 asked the simple question:
‘What screams “I’m single”?’
And the unpartnered folk among us got their answers in quicker than you can say ‘Bridget Jones’.
‘When I was in college, single, and broke, I went to the grocery store and they had these really…adequate frozen spicy chicken sandwiches on sale for like 25 cents a pop. I grabbed all of them.
‘I went to ring up, the cashier said ‘Wow, that’s…a lot. These must be really good.’ I responded with ‘Eh, they fill the hole.’
‘Dude scanned a couple more in silence and asked ‘So, you’re like, really single, aren’t you?’.’
‘Soup for one, salad for one, wine for three.’
‘I’m going to be positive and say ‘Doing whatever you want all the time’.’
‘Usually me into my pillow at night.’
‘Me eating lasagna straight from the pan.’
‘Eating all things from their containers, over the sink.’
‘Person in a party of three boarding a rollercoaster.’
‘A long list of desirable and undesirable traits of a partner.’
‘I have two seats in my tiny apartment. One faces the tv. The other is for the computer. They don’t face each other. Oh, also, I have one pillow on my bed.’
‘Batchelor’s handbag. Which for non-Australians is a hot cooked chicken in a bag.’
‘Women who tell their friends to break up with someone the moment they have a small fight.’
‘Actively looking around at parties.’
‘My pinball machine in the living room.’