Round Ups Ask Reddit

People have been sharing what’s ruined modern dating – 17 all too familiar tales of romantic woe

‘I’m a short guy (5ft. 4in.). I don’t hide the fact nor do I lie about my height. I’m not ashamed. 9 times out of 10 when meeting a woman for a date, I get the “Oh,” followed by the awkward disinterest, which ultimately devolves into “I don’t really date short men” speech. It’s just a waste of time and an extra expense from my experience.’

‘The degree to which men will go to deceive/sleep with you. Walked into adulthood healthy/balanced/trusting and this really broke me.’

‘The amount of men addicted to porn. I don’t mean “watching some here and there”, I mean they were so addicted that in their still young age (25 to 35) couldn’t get it up without porn or trying to convince me to do what they saw in porn.’

‘Hookup culture polluting the pool of potential people.’

‘The amount of time and effort required to impress someone who will likely leave once they find a new toy.’

‘Being put on a pedestal by a guy who thinks that they can’t do better then promptly falling off that pedestal when you are actually a human with flaws gasp.’

‘Someone brings their energy and affection in the beginning of the relationship to then slowly pull back until you’re left with a fraction of what they used to give.’

‘Trying online dating and realising that most girls on there are not looking for anything serious, have no personality, just look for handouts, are more interested in playing games or are just incompatible with me (in terms of future goals and hobbies/interests).

‘According to my sister, it’s the same shit on the other side too.

‘If you just want to fuck, you’re in luck, but if you are actually looking to build a connection, then it’s rough in this day and age.’

Source: Reddit, Image: Unsplash