Life life hacks

‘What’s the Most Underappreciated Life Hack You Know?’ – 17 tips of varying levels of usefulness

Everybody thinks they know a hack that really makes some aspect of their life easier or better, and that somehow only a few people know. Newsflash, people – we’ve all heard that thing about sucking a spoon while you chop onions and we all know it doesn’t work.

See also –

Squirting lime on avocado won’t stop it going brown,

Rubbing garlic on your feet won’t cure a cough,

Giving up fancy coffees won’t miraculously enable you to buy a house.

Over on r/AskReddit, Yumilikesbanana put a related question to the forum.

What’s the Most Underappreciated Life Hack You Know?

Full disclosure – we can’t personally vouch for these responses, although some sound entirely feasible.

Use them or don’t use them. We’re not the boss of you.


You can find instructional videos on how to do basically ANYTHING on youtube
(Via YouTube)


Putting a wooden spoon across a pot while cooking …prevents the water from boiling over! Super simple but works great!


Setting a timer for stuff! Like, I’ll put on a 5-minute timer to clean or answer emails, and it’s crazy how much I get done when I’m just focused for a few minutes. Keeps things from piling up too. Seriously, it’s such a game-changer!


A lot to be said for getting out of bed immediately following the alarm
(Via Freepik)


Use text replacement shortcuts for your smartphone. My best examples: make “@h”, or “@g” or “@any-letter” convert to your full e-mail address. make typing just the street numbers convert to your full street address, “7139” texts “7139 Governers Way”. Make two-letter text shortcuts for your long first name, and another two-letter combo for your longer last name.


If you’re cutting garlic, onions, fish etc that makes your hands smell bad, you can rub them against stainless steel (the sink) and it will remove the odor.


In my closet, on the top, I have an extandable pole(the ones you use for the bathroom curtains), and whenever I take something off a hanger, I hang the hanger on the pole, so when I have to hang everything up again, I don’t have to go looking for hangers, and I clear up space every time I take a piece of clothing.


When you don’t want to agree or disagree with what someone said, and you need an out so you can walk away, just say “Huh, that’s interesting.” and walk.


Freezing leftover herbs in olive oil. Just chop them up, mix with oil, and pour them into an ice cube tray.