Weird World awful reddit

27 hilarious examples of ‘awful taste but great execution’ on Reddit

15. ‘A knitted, skin-colored ski mask’


16. ‘These stairs’


17. ‘Embroidery toast’


18. ‘Did a double take when I saw this rock in my friend’s yard. she said it came from the tenants before her, but I think it is the tenant.’


19. ‘Razor Blade Advertisement’


20. ‘Saw This Car Filling Up At A Gas Station In Illinois And Did A Double-Take. The Top Tires Spin Too!’


21. ‘Thought this might fit here’


22. ‘Keyboard with cheese styled keycaps’


23. ‘But Why’


24. ‘Adult knit onesie’


25. ‘Was Next To A Car That Was “Painted” With Duct Tape!’


26. ‘Staff Kitchen’


27. ‘Michelin Buddha’


And finally, this all time classic.

‘A good way to make sure nobody steals your luggage’


You can of course find lots more of this sort of thing over at r/ATBGE.


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Source Reddit r/ATBGE H/T BoredPanda