Videos parenting Question Time
A mum told Question Time where her kids go to uni and the horror of how she did it resonated with less favoured children everywhere
To the Question Time studios now, where one member of the studio audience went viral after sharing where two of her five children go to university.
Now we’re sure she didn’t mean anything by it – but there was something about the way she did it that sent shivers down the spines of less favoured children everywhere, as highlighted by spoof former Tory MP, Sir Michael Take.
Pity this poor lady on #bbcqt who has 1 child at Cambridge Uni but unfortunately another at a ‘Middle of the road university’
This lady’s bravery is immense as she knows her child at this unmentionable MOR Uni will probably end up as a shouty Marxist teacher or a train driver.
pic.twitter.com/j5MUIp3mxD— Sir Michael Take CBE (@MichaelTakeMP) November 8, 2024
First class degree burn. With honours.
A lesson in how to crush your offspring in just a few words.
— Raven (@RuthieR) November 8, 2024
She is going to regret that comment when they are all sitting together for their Christmas dinner this year.
— Pilar GomezFBPE FBPA (@redalphababe) November 8, 2024
Everyone knows only Oxford or Cambridge count as proper universities. The rest are just overblown comprehensives who churn out unsavoury sorts to do meanial tasks and such
— JGLowe (@CheekyWind) November 8, 2024
Did she name which child was her favourite?
— The AZE (@the_aze) November 8, 2024
Perhaps we should now grade all our Uni’s as below:
Middle of the road
What a brilliant idea, give the lady a damehood— Paul Went (@Went2Paul) November 8, 2024
People are fighting like an old married couple over this text sent two days before a wedding
Source @MichaelTakeMP Image Pexels