‘What is something you don’t realise is weird until you really think about it?’ – 23 everyday things with the power to completely freak you about
‘Animal adaptations. If you think about it, so many animals look really weird, but because they are familiar to us, it doesn’t faze us. Like elephants being enormous and having a long nose, or giraffes being tall and gangly. Or octopi with all their arms.’
‘Honestly, reproduction. The idea of repeatedly bumping certain body parts together until a substance of living organisms is introduced into a climate that may or may not kill them until one organism finds a particular cell. The organism and the cell combine and eventually make a person.’
‘The tooth fairy tradition. I told my almost 4-year-old about it, that his teeth would fall out one-by-one so big kid teeth would grow in when he’s older and it doesn’t hurt. That he puts them under his pillow and the tooth fairy would come during the night and give him money for the tooth. He was very contemplative for some moments and then said quietly ‘Mommy, I don’t like that at all’.’
‘The pledge of allegiance. We’re having children pledge their loyalty to the United States of America. Replace the USA with the USSR and now that’s bad.’
‘As much as I love milk, I gotta admit the person that figured out we can drink it probably did alot of other weird shit too.’
‘Dreaming. We go into a paralysis like state and then play movies in our head that nobody else can see.’
‘I’ve always thought Christmas trees are weird. Let’s chop down this tree, bring it inside and put decorations on it! I always joke the dogs are probably so confused why there is suddenly a tree inside. But they’re not allowed to bring sticks inside.’
‘The internal combustion engine. Take a machine that purposely causes explosions, put it near your face. Then, sit on a plastic container of explosive, and attach wheels to the whole deadly contraption, all so you don’t have to walk to the shops.’
‘Blue jeans. Specifically that there is a large percentage of the population of the planet that wears blue pants when awake, but would basically never wear blue pants if they aren’t jeans.’
‘Insurance. You pay for something you hope you don’t have to use, from a company who don’t want to give it to you.’
‘Asking strangers for candy on Halloween. Any other day this would definitely not be ok.’
‘Cheese. The concept of cheese is insane to me. It’s delicious. I eat it frequently. But how on earth did that ever get popular?’
Source r/AskReddit Image Unsplash