People have been sharing their heartfelt but truly unpopular opinions about the UK – these 23 will have you choking on your Greggs steak bake
There are plenty of things to say about the UK, both good and bad, but what if you have an opinion that goes against the received wisdom about life in Blighty? On the AskUK subreddit, user PM_M3_A11things asked:
‘What is your truly unpopular opinion about the UK?’
And lots of people jumped in with views that they thought would have the majority of people in Britain spluttering into their cup of perfectly made builder’s tea.
‘The British are horrible drivers. Way too in a hurry, way too aggressive. Speeding is the default. Everyone needs to drop their blood pressure by 10% and slow the fuck down. That extra time saved is really not worth the stress.’
‘Museums should be able to charge people, the overcrowding at the major ones in London is unbearable.’
‘The decline of the ‘pub culture’ and pubs inevitably closing is a good thing. Obviously job losses and economy hits are bad, but this just gives people more time and money to invest in doing something better than drinking every night. Added benefit is the reduced strain on the NHS.
‘The estate I grew up on only had a couple of hundred people, but manged to keep three pubs afloat for decades. Hanging out with the other pissheads was literally the only thing people did. Such a grim existence.’
‘British pop culture is trashy and borderline embarrassing. This includes music, TV, film and media. I will give you David Attenborough, but that’s all you’re getting.’
‘Tea is overrated, coffee over tea every time.’
‘Agreed, terrible drink. People have a strange obsession over Yorkshire tea too, I’m sure lots of people think it grows on the slopes of Ilkley moor.’
‘Crisps, can of soda and white bread sandwich is not a proper lunch.’
‘Our obsessions with the Battle of Britain, making out that we ‘won’ World War 2 single-handedly, and winning the World Cup nearly 60 years ago is fucking pathetic. Move on.’
‘The country actually has good weather in the grand scheme of things – no real natural disaster threat, not crazily cold or swelteringly hot for more than a few weeks a year, even in Scotland.
‘Yeah sure summers can fall a little flat sometimes and we may have weeks upon weeks of clouds and drizzle but I’d prefer that to all the extremes – and it makes me enjoy the UK all that more when it is nice.’
‘Half-hanging on to imperial measurements is beyond a joke. Especially in a country that managed to change to decimal currency.’
‘Singalong songs like Sweet Caroline, Mr Brightside etc., are dreadful and only remain popular because the hive mind makes you think it’s good.’
‘The NHS, when funded and not messed with too much, is actually both simultaneously a) very efficient b) stuffed full of people who do sweet FA.
‘This is possible because the economies of scale and efficiency of having one big system is actually really good. All large organisations have loads of people who do nothing, it’s basically unavoidable, and countries with insurance have loads of middle men and bureaucrats etc too.’