Someone asked for truly unpopular opinions about the UK and the answers will have you choking on your Greggs steak bake
‘Our media is horrifically awful in every respect, but I get hugely embarrassed watching any coverage of the royals. Any ‘royal expert’ is a deeply weird human being and should be labelled as such.
Same goes for anyone that has any strong opinions about about any ongoing royal drama. You don’t like Meghan? Fine. You’ve posted about her extensively online? Get away from me.’
‘The countryside sucks. There’s barely any wilderness. It’s a barren landscape of grass that once used to be forest and the rivers are polluted.’
‘Despite our consistent moaning all the time, we are VERY fortunate to be living in this country.’
‘The UK is too obsessed with detached housing given the size of the land relative to the population. We’re not America and there should be more of a focus on apartment living like in mainland Europe.’
‘Brummie, and Midlands accents in general, even the stronger ones, are nice to listen to, and probably my favourite broad accent group in the UK.’
‘If you’re successful people are rarely genuinely happy for you. They’ll make excuses for why you did well instead of just saying well done. The UK has a terrible crab in the bucket mentality, where people would rather that everyone else was as miserable as them instead of being happy that they’re getting somewhere in life.’
‘We are obsessed with our past and turning everything into a fucking museum, to the detriment of all of us. We should be a modern country, we should end the monarchy, end the house of Lords, stop having our parliament in a ridiculous outdated building that is going to cost tens of billions to repair.’
‘Greggs food tastes disgusting and is sub par. I don’t understand why people rave about it.’
‘We’re ridiculously obsessed with cars to the point of it being a cult. We’ll give a bazillion excuses as to why we all need to own 2- tonne death machines to go 3 miles to the office.
The average UK car driver thinks that the roads are for them and they have some divine right to un-impeded travel in their metal death cages.’
‘I have never understood why we continue to have separate England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Island football, rugby and cricket teams entered in International sporting competitions when we have Team GB (Great Britain and Northern Ireland Olympic Team) in Athletics, and GBR in shown in other international sports.
I think there should be consistency across both camps and they should settle on one approach. I don’t mind if we split up Team GB into the separate nations or combine the separate nations into a UK squad for everything. Just pick one consistent approach across everything and stick with it.’
‘UK has bad teeth? I love how Americans always laugh at the UK for bad teeth and love giving us digs. Truth is, the UK is ranked 4th in the world in the DMFT (Decayed, Missing and Filled Teeth) ratings. The USA is ranked 9th.’
Some controversial thoughts and opinions there, but here’s one that will truly offend…
‘I know this will actually be a fairly unpopular opinion as they are often so championed on UK related subs and other media: Yorkshire puddings are just meh.’
Source r/AskUK Image Screenshot