What is the least attractive thing someone can do? – 17 behaviours that are an instant turn off
Everyone has their icks, but some behaviour is universally repellant. To find out the biggest turn offs in existance – or at least in the eyes of fellow forum members – Reddit user Grumstrum asked this burning questions:
What is the least attractive thing someone can do?
So if you want to win someone over, or prevent your partner from losing interest, make sure you avoid these unattractive beahaviours…
‘Having zero interest in other people, but expect everyone to be fascinated by the minutiae of their lives.’
‘Not accepting responsibility for their own actions.’
‘A constantly negative attitude.’
‘Mocking someone who’s disabled.’
‘Being rude, or acting entitled.
Went on a date. She went on her phone in the cinema and started scrolling Insta for half the film. She was actually a very good looking woman but that was… ugh.’
‘The most unattractive thing someone can do is be extremely uneducated, ignorant, and proud of it. It’s not just the older generations, it’s the younger ones too.’
‘A one upper. Or someone who always has to make things about themselves. I have this thing where I can instantly identify them and subsequently not be able to respect them or their opinion right away.’
‘For me, it’s when someone constantly interrupts conversations. It feels disrespectful and dismissive.’
‘Lack of personal hygiene is such a deal breaker for me.’