Entertainment next-level skills

Want to see an indoor skydiving Freddie Mercury-a-like? Of course you do!

A clip of Fred Fernández at the indoor skydiving tournament, Wind Games, in 2019 absolutely blew away everyone who’s seen it.

The Spanish indoor skydiving instructor wowed the crowds and judges with his tribute to his namesake, Freddie Mercury. Watch and marvel.

Full marks for the performance, and a bonus for the spot-on costume.

YouTube users gave a virtual standing ovation.

Therapist: Flying Freddie Mercury isn’t real, he won’t harm you.
Flying Freddie Mercury:


Should be an Olympic sport.
Thomas Bonnes

Best shit I’ve seen in 10 years.
Nur Hazrodin Mamaluba

Looks like he was trying to break free.

Over on Twitter/X, Rex Chapman described it as “The best thing you’ll see today.”, and he may well be right.

Here’s what other people thought of it.

There was also this –

If it’s good enough for Taika Waititi, who are we to argue?

Man calls his parents while skydiving and their dawning (NSFW) realisation is simply fabulous

Source YouTube Image Screengrab