Someone born in 1998 asked what the UK was like back then and the answers will have you crying out for the return of Robot Wars and £2 pints
‘This was it, it was filled with hope & optimism, the year 2000 meant we were about to reach the future, surely flying cars and space travel weren’t far away.
‘But realistically, interest rates were far lower than the teens of the recession, house prices were rising (but nowhere near obscene), fashion was bright, colourful and happy.
‘Personally, in Northern Ireland, the Good Friday agreement was signed, creating a wave of hope that we might actually stop killing each other after decades of conflict.
‘I read a quote years ago that always stuck with me: the 90s ended when the planes hit the towers. And it’s true, that was the start of worldwide fear, paranoia and darker days.’
‘You’ll never believe this, but Scotland were at a World Cup. I lived in a very short street in Edinburgh with three pubs in it, so world cup week (ha, for us) was absolutely brilliant. Much lager and good times.’
‘Platform Skechers, baby!’
‘I was five so please take this with a pinch of salt but I can comment a fair bit on the pre 9/11 thing when it comes to airports.
‘I travelled to Australia when I had just turned seven at around Christmas (in 2000, so not 1998) and I vividly remember the airport, there was very little security, we kind of just moseyed on through security, chucked all our bags on the X-ray and that was it, no emptying fluids, searches, laying everything out in trays, nothing like that.
‘I went back a few years later (I think in 2006) and it was a wildly different experience, literally everyone looked worried.’
‘The high point of western civilisation. I’m not even joking. It had all the modern advancements we know and love, but the NHS hadn’t completely fallen apart, houses were affordable, and the internet hadn’t poisoned all of our minds. Take. Me. Back.’
‘Contrary to a lot of comments on here I think we are in a better place now. You can be yourself without fear of persecution. I can order anything I want to be delivered to my house the next day.
‘I can go to the pub without second hand smoke destroying my health. I have a healthy work/life balance. I can watch any film or TV show from almost any period on almost any device. I can listen to music in the same manner.
‘Yes, things are more expensive now but in 1998 I’m sure there were people saying ’25 years ago you could get a pint and pack of fags for 2 bob!’
‘It was around that time I got my first of the Internet. The school had gotten a dial up modem on one single computer and I remember standing around as one kid brought up the trouble.com chat rooms. Pure HTML gold. We were having nice, civilised chats with the other people that were in there.
‘It was such a sweet time. I spent days at my friends house listening to Prodigy and playing Goldeneye on his N64.’
‘Forums were a thing, I was on a Robot Wars forum back then. Also Robot Wars was a thing. Bring back 1998.’
‘Memories I have from that year are Dawson’s Creek being the talk of the school (and this was before the meme of him crying!), Cher unleashing autotune on the world with her song “Believe”, Saving Private Ryan came out and was absolutely epic (and still is).
‘There was some seminal music released in the 90s and I didn’t fully realise it at the time but we were living in a golden era.’
‘A pint cost £1.50ish in town, maybe £1.30 in a village pub and people moaned about paying £2 a pint in the clubs. Either way, you could go out with £20 in your pocket, get smashed and still have enough change for a taxi home.
‘Petrol was less than £1/litre. Ten Marlboro were about £1.80, you could buy 200 for less than £20. Smoking was still allowed in pub, but I think had been banned in the workplace by then.’
Some excellent, possibly rose-tinted, memories there, but this suggestion must surely be the best way to tap directly into the late 90s:
‘I highly recommend you watch Spaced. That show definitely encapsulates that time period.’
Source r/AskUK Image Screenshot