‘What’s a ‘positive’ trait society praises but is actually toxic?’ – 19 wrongfully celebrated behaviours
It can’t have escaped your attention that the society we live in values certain traits more highly than others. For example, if you’re an extroverted workaholic, chances are you’re on life’s inside track.
But should you be? Has society got things wrong and is prioritising behaviours that are actually toxic? That’s what Redditor BaddieZoeee wanted to know as they posed this burning question to the wise counsel of r/AskReddit:
‘What’s a ‘positive’ trait society praises, but it’s actually toxic?’
And people were all too happy to chime in with their examples of positive traits that are actually problematic…
‘Workaholics. Not even the “grind culture” bro crap, just the “you’re going home now? I’ve already been here eleven hours and I’m staying three more!”
‘I just look at those guys and say “Why?” and go home. Work/life balance needs to be higher up on our collective priorities. I don’t care if there’s a deadline. I don’t care if the project “needs” to get done. My job is not more important than my physical, mental, and emotional well-being.’
‘Perfectionism. It sounds admirable, but it can paralyze you and burn you out.’
‘Coming in to work ill. If people did not, the reduced death and disability would be really quite significant.’
‘Claim: They are just the sweetest person ever! They will do anything to help you.
Reality: People pleaser who struggles with boundaries and self esteem issues.’
‘Being able to drink a lot.’
‘Not getting enough sleep. It’s perceived as being super dedicated, disciplined, committed, or hard-working.
But it compromises your performance, increases unethical behavior, and hurts your health.’
‘Toxic positivity: smiling through all life’s dumpster fires.’
‘”Wholesome” moments that should not be moments in the first place. A kid should not have to set up a lemonade stand to help with a friend’s medical bills. Colleagues should not have to ‘donate’ their PTO days to someone going through chemo.
‘These issues should be taken care of by the powers that be, not by children, coworkers, or the community.’
‘Being overly ambitious. Wanting to get to the top of the ladder at any cost, even if it means pushing others off.’