‘What’s a ‘positive’ trait society praises but is actually toxic?’ – 19 wrongfully celebrated behaviours
‘Being an extrovert. I saw a post responding to an article titled “Introverted? Here’s How to Be More Social” and the reply was “Just once l’d like to see an article like “Extroverted? Here’s Some Tips on How to Be Quiet and Reflective””
‘I find that confidence is valued over actual knowledge or skill a lot of times. People that charge headlong into things and are first to act are seen as more capable than people who approach things more slowly and thoughtfully.’
‘Extreme, black and white condemnation of wrongdoing without considering the context.’
‘Working your fingers to the bone.
‘Somehow you’re seen as amazing for putting in long hours at work, being Supermom or taking a heavy class load. In reality, you’re setting yourself up for burnout. Self-care and a work-life balance are crucial.’
‘Arrogance and narcissism seem really popular these days.’
‘‘Supermom’ vibes – moms who do it all and are expected to be happy while they do it. America Ferrera’s speech in Barbie hits the tone pretty well!’
‘Wealth hoarding.
Billionaires should not exist.’
‘”You just got to want it enough.” No, sorry. There is no amount of dedication that will make a short person win international sprint races – their legs are too short. If I can’t sing (I can’t), wanting to be a rocket artist (rock star but autocorrect got cute) isn’t going to happen.
‘Wanting isn’t enough. Working isn’t enough. You have to have support, and be born with the right attributes (including a family that values early learning), and have some luck along the way.
The toxicity is: you don’t deserve your dream because you didn’t want it hard enough. Bullshit.’
‘Being “polite” to people who do not deserve it. It’s not a sign of maturity, it’s just enabling them to keep acting shitty because they know people aren’t going to push back.’
‘Being self reliant. Yes, we shouldn’t fall apart if people can’t cater to our every need, but the sense of community that humans used to have 200 years ago is gone! Capitalism has made it so that every person need to take care of themselves (so that they buy every appliance for themselves) instead of the communal work we used to do together.
‘For example, I remember reading an article about how pesto used to be made with all the households of a community together so they could share the utensils required to make it, But now, everyone is expected to own their own food processor.’
Source: Reddit, Image screen grabs