‘What’s the worst thing you’ve seen happen at a wedding?’ – 21 reasons to make sure you never tie the knot
‘Guest got super drunk and started eating food from the buffet with his hands. Like just hand into a big tray of pasta shovelling it in his mouth. Then he kept hitting on my sister making her incredibly uncomfortable.
‘Politely asked him to leave a few times to no avail. Then he got belligerent. Only fight I’ve ever been in in my life was on my wedding night. Good times.’
‘My mother, drunk as hell, flashing the entire reception hall full of guests.’
‘Good friend got married, on the way out they had the traditional ‘throwing the rice’ celebration gauntlet. Everything A+++. On the honeymoon to Bali, bride began to get headaches. They chalked it up to overindulging on rich food and booze. It kept getting worse. She hung in there, but finally got a really high fever on the day before departure.
‘They sucked it up, got on the plane, and by the time they got home, she was in major pain. They went to the ER where it was discovered that a single grain of rice had embedded against her eardrum, and caused a massive gnarly/ugly and risky infection.’
‘Me and some buddies were having an early lunch at Hooters (don’t judge, we were early 20’s and hungover) just shooting the shit when we hear what we thought was someone pouring water on the bar.
‘Turn to see some dude in his finest waist coat and French cuff shirt slipping in his own vomit. Ask the waitress what was up, apparently homeboy was supposed to be the best man at someone’s wedding. Got shit-housed at Hooters instead. Missed the wedding by like, four hours.’
‘At my mates wedding the food was laid out tidy on an ironing board and his new mother-in-law took her teeth out to fight me.’
‘Our bartender got hammered, starting spilling drinks and making undrinkable cocktails, and then tried to pick up the bride (my wife of a few hours). Thank god she turned him down.’
‘My mother’s boyfriend yelled at me to ‘smile’ as I was walking down the aisle. I was the bride.’
‘My father-in-law wrapped his dentures in a napkin and put them in my mother-in-law’s purse. Or so he thought. 36 years later we still don’t know who found that parting gift.’
‘The groom’s family all attended dressed in black, sour-faced and sad. Like a funeral.’
‘It started with the bride walking down the aisle in a dress that required a slip and didn’t have one. We all had a full view of ass cheeks and white thong lightly covered by tulle.
‘It ended when the groom went missing for a bit during the reception and the bride eventually found him upstairs in the honeymoon suite, in bed banging away with the maid of honour.’
‘My brother, who is extremely hot, was getting married to the love of his life. A girl who was obsessed with him, and best friend of the bride, got plastered and announced her undying love for him. Loudly, during the vows.’
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