‘What was your ‘I’m dating a f**king idiot’ moment?’ – 23 scenarios to crush the honeymoon period into dust
‘She asked me if she had to divorce her first husband before we got married.’
‘Asked me to use smaller words (the word I used? ‘Demographic’).’
‘Only after a year and a half of dating did he reveal to me that the world is flat, we live in a dome, the sky is a projection and all the horizon-related experiments to confirm earth’s roundness is logically flawed.
‘He knows me and my dad have fancy telescopes and do astrophotography and stargaze together on a literal observatory on our roof.’
‘It became obvious that she had a poor sense of direction and I asked her which way she thought was north. She pointed up.’
‘I was in the passenger seat of my ex girlfriend’s car (we were 22 at the time) and whilst driving I opened the glove compartment to store something. She turned and screamed ‘WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?’. Confused I asked what’s going on?
‘Apparently as a kid she used to play with the glove compartment all the time so her parents told her that opening the glove compartment on a moving car would damage the engine. She was 22 and still believed this.’
‘For me, the last girl I went on a date with blindly crossed a busy ass street in front and cars in both directions had to slam on their brakes to avoid her.
‘I waited and crossed when there was no one coming. When I finally got up to her I asked wtf was that?? And she said ‘pedestrians have the right of way’.’
‘She encountered a deaf person at her job that day and kept saying ‘death person’. I gently corrected her and WW3 broke out.’
‘When she said she thought we could drive to Hawaii because she said it looked close on a map. She also asked how fish breathe under the ice. She was very pretty.’
‘I had an ex literally call me to ask me how to make pasta… from a box, and then asked what equipment he needed to do it. He was 35. I was also the idiot for dating him.’
‘We landed in Amsterdam and were planning what we want to do.
‘Me: I’d really like to go to Anne Frank’s house.
‘Him: I didn’t know you had friends in Amsterdam.
‘Him: Who’s Anne Frank?’
‘I was in my 20s, I was dating a guy who knew I was from California. He made a comment about the Golden Gate Bridge and said ‘I bet the Golden Gate Bridge must have cost a fortune to build with all of that gold!’. He was cute but it didn’t last long.’
‘She was doing a college course and had to write an essay on symbolism in The Dark Knight Returns. She wrote an essay on the Bat Symbol and how it symbolises Batman.’
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