Celebrity mansplaining Nigella Lawson

Nigella Lawson’s delicious takedown of a cookery mansplainer will never be off the menu

There’s no shortage of men prepared to pop into a woman’s mentions to tell her she’s doing something wrong, but you’d think they might pause a little before mansplaining an actual expert’s own field to her. LOL. Just kidding – that’s the thing they love the most.

This little exchange from 2018 is a perfect example.

TV chef and national treasure, Nigella Lawson, tweeted her plans for a slow-cooked Christmas ham.

Up popped cookery expert mansplainer, Tom Smith, with a correction.

Love this but....Surely you mean the fridge for 24hours.

He got this reply.

She cooked him!

Most people would have left it at that, but not Tom.

Sorry ... I will give this a go. Could not believe the length of time in oven, ...low temperature!?

The exchange got a lot of funny reactons, including these –

One Twitter user, Carol Bartle, pointed out that it wasn’t mansplaining at all, it was …


Congratulations, Carol, you’ve levelled up on Twitter.


Nigella Lawson had the best response to this ‘demonic entity’ troll

Source Nigella Lawson Image Screengrab