‘What is, by far, the stupidest decision you’ve ever made?’ – 22 people who can’t believe their own empty-headedness
‘Probably when I decided to look at BBC Sports transfer deadline day page while having a wee. I ended up dropping my iPhone SE in the toilet which I had only had for 6 months.’
‘Drunk a load of tap water in Delhi. Cue an 8 hour stomach cramp interspersed with frequent bathroom trips. Character building? My arse!’
‘More of an anti-decision. Lying in my room at Uni in 2009/2010 reading about bitcoin and considering setting up a digital wallet with the idea of chucking in £20 because it’s who knows. Upon reading up on how to create a wallet it seemed like a faff so I just didn’t bother.
‘Don’t even want to think about the cost of coins back then but safe to say I could have made a lot of cash subsequently had I spent 20 mins creating a wallet rather than streaming another episode of Cougar Town.’
‘So, I was starting a new job, had just moved into a new flat, and wasn’t making ends meet. Needed to skip one of my bills, and I picked Council Tax, and ignored all letters about it. One CCJ later…’
‘Putting my name as the lead driver on a car hire agreement when I wasn’t going to be driving. It ended up costing me over £5K.’
‘After severe food poisoning in Cyprus, agreed to ‘see some ruins’ with my husband, six hours of walking in 30 degree heat with not a drop of fluid in my body, and I end up in the hospital for dehydration.
‘I didn’t want to ruin the holiday and ended up ruining it twice as much by being hospitalised for 24 hours.’
‘Smoking for 20+ years. I paid with my health. Cigarettes must be the only product that if used in accordance with the manufacturers instructions will end up killing you.’
‘I once was offered Bitcoin for 150 quids worth of games. I said no.’
‘Got promised a pay rise at work, took out a big loan for a BMW way out of my price range. Got the car, bumped it after 2 weeks, company went bust, sold the car for 3k less after six months to pay bills and now I’m stuck paying for a car I don’t have for another four years.’
‘Hiked up a mountain with no kit, no map, no clue and without telling anyone. Ended up getting helicoptered off by mountain rescue as night fell. Genuinely thought I was going to die.’
‘Never drank a drop until I went to uni. Freshers week, first ever night out, 90p shots but a £5 card minimum… So I did the only thing I could think of and did six shots. No idea what happened the rest of the night.’
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