‘What’s an American thing you were surprised to find out is actually real?’ – 24 things seen in US film and TV that Brits didn’t believe were true
The average Brit consumes a lot of American culture but may never have visited to discover whether the weird and wonderful things that seem to be a staple of daily life over the pond are real. Over on the AskUK subreddit, user Reviewingremy asked:
‘What’s an American thing you were surprised to find out is real? What’s a thing you assumed just existed for plot convenience or audience short hand in TV but is actually a real American thing?’
And lots of British people chipped in with stuff they saw on American TV and films and couldn’t believe was true.
‘Steam coming from vents in the ground in San Francisco. I thought it was just some effect they put in films. Nope turns it is really a thing.’
‘For me, it was one of those spraying water hydrants with children playing in the water. Saw it in 2000 and felt like I’d unlocked an achievement.’
‘Housing developments in fairly built-up areas with no sidewalks. Getting told to drive somewhere under 500 yards away. Twinkies are both real and disgusting.’
‘Not getting annual leave until you have worked at a company for a set number of years.’
‘Red solo cups. Went to a party and everyone was drinking from them. Also, there were a bunch of sorority girls there. Felt like I was in a film.’
‘The obsession over school/college sports.’
‘That on Thanksgiving they have marshmallows with sweet potato – with their MAIN COURSE.’
‘Those waste disposal things in the sink, it feels like something out a horror movie but it’s actually real Like the idea of a literal blender somewhere you could easily stick your fingers by accident makes me feel sick.’
‘That cheese in a spray can.’
‘I lived in Pennsylvania some years ago (and am moving to California in the middle of next year), and couldn’t believe that the yellow school bus for the schools in our area actually picked kids up from their houses.’
‘Jaywalking. Worked in America for a while and got shouted at by management for crossing the street without using lights/zebra crossing.’
‘Homecoming is an actual thing over there. It’s still hilarious to me that anyone would care about the previous year’s leavers coming back to school for a day. Throughly unBritish.’