Celebrity Andrew tate comebacks Paul sinha

Andrew Tate said it was gay to get a good night’s sleep and Paul Sinha’s A++ comeback went the extra mile

We’ve written no ends of posts featuring Andrew Tate over the last 12 months, as you possibly won’t need reminding, and we’ve also written a handful about the great Paul Sinha (for rather different reasons, obviously).

And we mention them because this particular comeback features both. It begins, predictably enough, with the self-styled clown prince of the toxic manosphere, and his declaration this month that it was gay to get a good night’s sleep.

And it prompted no end of replies …

… but no-one quite went the extra mile as Paul Sinha did.


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The brilliant Nicholas Hoult had the very best response after Elon Musk posted this picture of of ‘Nikola Tesla’ on Twitter

Source @paulybengali