Animals christmas dogs letters

The hilarious payoff to this tale of a beloved family pet and an unsolved Christmas ‘mystery’ is today’s best thing

We’ve featured plenty of readers’ letters to newspapers and magazines in these pages over the past year, but with one day to go of 2024 we might just have found the best.

It’s a fabulous tale of a Christmas family ‘mystery’ that’s gone unsolved – well, by one member of the family in particular – until now.

And it went viral after it was shared by @JohnDonoghue64 who said: ‘A cold case crime… finally solved ‘

And just in case that’s tricky to read in full …

Gone to the dogs

Sir, our first, beautifully slim labrador never stole any food except, bizarrely, every year she ate the chocolates hanging on the lowest branches of our Christmas tree.

Thirty years later I was regaling a friend with this story when our three daughters, on overhearing the conversation, interrupted with: ‘Surely you don’t still tibnk it was the dog?”

Kiereen Lock
Fordingbridge, Hants

Totally adore everything about that (chocolate is, of course, toxic for dogs).

To conclude …


This brainteaser from ITV’s The 1% Club has been melting minds everywhere (whether you are left or right handed)

Source @JohnDonoghue64