Having a bad day? It could be worse. You could be one of these 21 unfortunate people
Christmas is over, most people are back at work, it’s freezing cold, you strongly suspect you missed the bin collection and you’ve just realised how long it is until the next payday – it sucks, right?
However, if there’s one thing that can make you feel better about your crappy life, it’s realising how much crappier other people’s lives are – like these 21 unfortunate characters.
1. This poor girlfriend
2. “Woke Up This Morning To 6 Cops, A Fire Truck, And An Ambulance At My Door Because A Passing Car Was Concerned About The One Halloween Decoration I Neglected To Take Down”
3. That’s a strong wind
4. Killing it at the conference
5. There’s a reason people keep pens in a pocket
6. Look for a man wearing flip-flops and a pained expression
7. Dude! Buy some blinds!
8. You weigh HOW MUCH?
9. Instant Shrek costume from mowing the lawn
10. Wake up and wear the coffee
11. Technology is not always your friend